Download Free 3dsMaxscript – DataWire | SplineDynamisc

DataWire 3ds Max script exposes general object properties – such as number of faces, spline length or object dimensions – as wireable parameters through a custom modifier, allowing you to easily connect them to other objects’ parameters or display them on a TextPlus 3D text on your scene.

These general properties are not wireable by default in 3ds Max and are typically accessible only through script controllers, which can be challenging for non-coders. DataWire simplifies and accelerates this tedious process by providing a user-friendly solution.

Each parameter in the modifier features a dedicated pick button for seamless integration with the parametric TextPlus object.

Exposed properties for Splines: number of vertices, total length, dimensions (X, Y, Z)

Exposed properties for Geometry: number of vertices, number of faces, dimensions (X, Y, Z)

This script is ideal for streamlining complex setups for animations, infographics, architectural projects, or showcasing real-time object statistics.


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